A Guide on How to Use W@W Notes To Be A Great A-Star Writer
Get a glimpse of how to use WR!TERS @ WORK notes to improve your writing and ace your composition exams from Teacher Yusra.
PART I of W@W Notes
Part I of W@W notes consists of three components:
a) the composition question,
b) the brainstorming section, and
c) the plot curve
A) The Composition Question
The composition question (CQ) provides students with a sample question they might encounter during examinations.
When studying W@W notes, one useful tip for students would be to take note of the pictures assigned to each topic. It is possible that during examinations, students may encounter topics that are worded differently but come from a similar category from their W@W notes.
Hence, it is important to learn the skill of adaptation. This means that students can adapt the plots of different stories and use it accurately in school examinations.
As a student of WR!TERS @ WORK, you will receive one full CQ each lesson. By the end of the year, each student would have a library of story plots to use to ace his composition examinations.
B) The Brainstorming Section
The second component of Part 1 is the brainstorming section. The content in this section can range from an article about an event related to the CQ.
This is a crucial part of the notes as it is meant to help students further conceptualise the plot through brainstorming or real-life activities. A fun-filled lesson will stimulate students to write great stories.
C) The Plot Curve
The final component of Part I is the story plot curve that forms the foundation of every good composition.
One important tip for students in the classroom: Focus on what your W@W teacher talks about during this component of the lesson. Students will be given extra information on how to improve the story development in this part of the lesson. Hence, it is important to listen and note down the relevant points required to write your story so you can refer to it when revising.
Students can replicate these plot curves when doing examination revision.
PART II of W@W Notes
Part II of W@W notes consists of two components:
a) the model composition, and
b) a vocabulary list
The model composition will assist students in doing self-study during examination revision. It is important to identify the way the plot curve is used in the model composition as well as take note of the vocabulary used.
The vocabulary component in Part II would consist of a list of good phrases that students can use for their examinations. Students should refer to the model composition to learn and understand how those phrases are used in context,
Finally, students must also read the model compositions religiously. It’s critical for students to master the plots given at W@W.
PART III of W@W Notes
Part III of the W@W notes is the reading and writing section. This final section of the notes constitutes of a guide on how to independently write out your composition under exam conditions. Find out more about this unique section by joining WR!TERS @ WORK family of outstanding young authors today!
When studying W@W notes, students should use Parts I, II and III together. It’s vital to grasp the core elements in all 3 parts of the notes – twist, suspense, etc. – in each plot to be able to write proficiently and become a great A-star writer.